Name | Race | Cost | Require | Description |
Mage Guild 4lvl | Castle , Rampart , Tower , Inferno , Necropolis , Dungeon | 1000 5 5 8 8 8 8 | Mage Guild 3lvl | Allow visiting hero to learn spells. |
Mage Guild 5lvl | Rampart , Tower , Inferno , Necropolis , Dungeon | 1000 5 5 10 10 10 10 | Mage Guild 4lvl | Allow visiting hero to learn spells. |
Artifact merchants | Tower , Dungeon | 10000 | Marketplace | Allow to buy or sell artifacts. |
Fort | Any | 5000 20 20 | Village Hall |
Add defence during protecting of town. |
Citadel | Any | 2500 5 | Fort |
Add defence during protecting of town. Increse units dwelling by 50% |
Castle | Any | 5000 10 10 | Citadel |
Add defence during protecting of town. Increse units dwelling by 50% |
Blacksmith | Any | 1000 5 | Allow visiting hero to buy war machine. | |
Resource silo | Any | 5000 5 | Marketplace | 1 or 2 resources / day |
Village Hall | Any | 500 | Give you 1000 | |
Town Hall | Any | 2500 | Village Hall | Give you 1000 |
City Hall | Any | 5000 | Town Hall , Marketplace , Mage Guild 1lvl , Blacksmith | Give you 1000 |
Capitol Hall | Any | 10000 | City Hall |
Give you 1000
Can build only 1 per player. |
Tavern | Any | 500 | Allow hiering heroes. | |
Marketplace | Any | 1000 5 |
Allow to exchange sur for other sur or send it to other players. |
Mage Guild 1lvl | Any | 2000 5 5 | Allow visiting hero to learn spells. | |
Mage Guild 2lvl | Any | 1000 5 5 4 4 4 4 | Mage Guild 1lvl | Allow visiting hero to learn spells. |
Mage Guild 3lvl | Any | 1000 5 5 6 6 6 6 | Mage Guild 2lvl | Allow visiting hero to learn spells. |
Stables | Castle | 2000 10 | Barracks | Incerse visiting hero movment by 20% untill end of week. |
Brotherhood of the Sword | Castle | 500 5 | +2 morale for hero defending castle. | |
Guardhouse | Castle | 500 10 | Fort | Produce 1lvl units 14/week |
Upgraded Guardhouse | Castle | 1000 5 | Guardhouse | Allow upgrading 1lvl units |
Archers Tower | Castle | 1000 5 5 | Guardhouse | Produce 2lvl units 9/week |
Upgraded Archers Tower | Castle | 1000 5 5 | Archers Tower | Allow upgrading 2lvl units |
Griffin Tower | Castle | 1000 5 | Barracks | Produce 3lvl units 7/week |
Upgraded Griffin Tower | Castle | 1000 5 | Griffin Tower | Allow upgrading 3lvl units |
Barracks | Castle | 2000 5 | Guardhouse , Blacksmith | Produce 4lvl units 4/week |
Upgraded Barracks | Castle | 2000 5 | Barracks | Allow upgrading 4lvl units |
Monastery | Castle | 3000 5 2 5 2 5 2 | Barracks , Mage Guild 1lvl | Produce 5lvl units 3/week |
Upgraded Monastery | Castle | 3000 2 2 5 2 5 2 | Monastery | Allow upgrading 5lvl units |
Training Grounds | Castle | 5000 10 | Barracks , Stables | Produce 6lvl units 2/week |
Upgraded Training Grounds | Castle | 3000 10 | Training Grounds | Allow upgrading 6lvl units |
Portal of Glory | Castle | 20000 10 10 10 10 | Monastery | Produce 7lvl units 1/week |
Uupgraded Portal of Glory | Castle | 20000 10 10 10 10 | Portal of Glory | Allow upgrading 7lvl units |
Griffin Bastion | Castle | 1000 | Griffin Tower | Produce 3lvl units 3/week |
Fountain of Fortune | Rampart | 1500 10 | Mystic Pond | +2 luck for hero defending castle. |
Centaur Stables | Rampart | 500 10 | Fort | Produce 1lvl units 14/week |
Upgraded Centaur Stables | Rampart | 1000 5 | Centaur Stables | Allow upgrading 1lvl units |
Dwarf Cottage | Rampart | 1000 5 | Centaur Stables | Produce 2lvl units 8/week |
Upgraded Dwarf Cottage | Rampart | 1000 5 | Dwarf Cottage | Allow upgrading 2lvl units |
Homestead | Rampart | 1500 10 | Centaur Stables | Produce 3lvl units 7/week |
Upgraded Homestead | Rampart | 1500 10 | Homestead | Allow upgrading 3lvl units |
Enchanged Spring | Rampart | 2000 10 | Homestead | Produce 4lvl units 5/week |
Upgraded Enchanged Spring | Rampart | 2000 5 | Enchanged Spring | Allow upgrading 4lvl units |
Dendroid Arches | Rampart | 2500 | Homestead | Produce 5lvl units 3/week |
Upgraded Dendroid Arches | Rampart | 1500 | Dendroid Arches | Allow upgrading 5lvl units |
Unicorn Glade | Rampart | 4000 5 5 10 | Enchanged Spring , Dendroid Arches | Produce 6lvl units 2/week |
Upgraded Unicorn Glade | Rampart | 3000 5 | Unicorn Glade | Allow upgrading 6lvl units |
Dragon Cliffs | Rampart | 10000 30 20 | Mage Guild 2lvl , Unicorn Glade | Produce 7lvl units 1/week |
Upgraded Dragon Cliffs | Rampart | 20000 30 20 | Dragon Cliffs , Mage Guild 3lvl | Allow upgrading 7lvl units |
Dwarven Treasury | Rampart | 5000 5 10 | Miners Guild | +10% every week |
Miners Guild | Rampart | 1000 | Dwarf Cottage | Produce 2lvl units 4/week |
Mystic Pond | Rampart | 2000 2 2 2 2 | Village Hall | |
Dendroid Saplings | Rampart | 2000 | Dendroid Arches | Produce 5lvl units 2/week |
Library | Tower | 1500 5 5 5 5 5 | Mage Guild 1lvl | Add 1 extra spell for evey level of Magic Guild |
Wall of Knowledge | Tower | 1000 5 | Mage Guild 1lvl | Giving +10 mana_max for each visiting hero. |
Workshop | Tower | 300 5 5 | Fort | Produce 1lvl units 16/week |
Upgraded Workshop | Tower | 1000 | Workshop | Allow upgrading 1lvl units |
Parapet | Tower | 1000 10 | Workshop | Produce 2lvl units 8/week |
Upgraded Parapet | Tower | 1500 5 | Parapet | Allow upgrading 2lvl units |
Golems Factory | Tower | 2000 5 5 | Workshop | Produce 3lvl units 6/week |
Upgraded Golems Factory | Tower | 2000 5 5 5 | Golems Factory | Allow upgrading 3lvl units |
Mage Tower | Tower | 2500 5 5 5 5 5 5 | Parapet , Golems Factory , Mage Guild 1lvl | Produce 4lvl units 4/week |
Upgraded Mage Tower | Tower | 2000 5 | Mage Tower , Library | Allow upgrading 4lvl units |
Altar of Wishes | Tower | 2000 5 5 6 6 | Mage Tower | Produce 5lvl units 3/week |
Upgraded Altar of Wishes | Tower | 2000 5 | Altar of Wishes | Allow upgrading 5lvl units |
Golden Pavilon | Tower | 4000 5 5 2 2 2 2 | Mage Tower | Produce 6lvl units 2/week |
Upgraded Golden Pavilon | Tower | 4000 3 3 3 3 | Golden Pavilon | Allow upgrading 6lvl units |
Cloud Temp | Tower | 5000 10 10 10 10 | Altar of Wishes , Golden Pavilon | Produce 7lvl units 1/week |
Upgraded Cloud Temp | Tower | 25000 5 5 30 | Cloud Temp | Allow upgrading 7lvl units |
Sculptors Wings | Tower | 1000 | Parapet | Produce 2lvl units 4/week |
Order of Fire | Inferno | 1000 5 | Mage Guild 1lvl | Giving +1 spell power for each visiting hero. |
Imp Cubic | Inferno | 300 5 5 | Fort | Produce 1lvl units 15/week |
Upgraded Imp Cubic | Inferno | 300 | Imp Cubic | Allow upgrading 1lvl units |
Hall of sins | Inferno | 1000 5 | Imp Cubic | Produce 2lvl units 8/week |
Upgraded Hall of sins | Inferno | 1000 5 | Hall of sins | Allow upgrading 2lvl units |
Kennels | Inferno | 1500 10 | Imp Cubic | Produce 3lvl units 5/week |
Upgraded Kennels | Inferno | 1500 5 | Kennels | Allow upgrading 3lvl units |
Demon Gate | Inferno | 2000 5 5 | Hall of sins | Produce 4lvl units 4/week |
Upgraded Demon Gate | Inferno | 2000 5 | Demon Gate | Allow upgrading 4lvl units |
Hell Hole | Inferno | 3000 | Demon Gate | Produce 5lvl units 3/week |
Upgraded Hell Hole | Inferno | 3000 5 5 | Hell Hole , Mage Guild 2lvl | Allow upgrading 5lvl units |
Fire Lake | Inferno | 4000 10 3 3 3 | Demon Gate , Mage Guild 1lvl | Produce 6lvl units 2/week |
Upgraded Fire Lake | Inferno | 3000 5 5 5 | Fire Lake | Allow upgrading 6lvl units |
Forsaken Palace | Inferno | 15000 10 10 20 | Fire Lake , Hell Hole | Produce 7lvl units 1/week |
Upgraded Forsaken Palace | Inferno | 20000 5 5 20 | Forsaken Palace | Allow upgrading 7lvl units |
Brimstone Stormclouds | Inferno | 1000 5 | +2 spell power for hero defending castle. | |
Birthing Pool | Inferno | 1000 | Imp Cubic | Produce 1lvl units 8/week |
Cages | Inferno | 1000 | Kennels | Produce 3lvl units 3/week |
Cursed Temple | Necropolis | 400 5 5 | Fort | Produce 1lvl units 12/week |
Upgraded Cursed Temple | Necropolis | 1000 5 5 | Cursed Temple | Allow upgrading 1lvl units |
Graveyard | Necropolis | 1000 5 | Cursed Temple | Produce 2lvl units 8/week |
Upgraded Graveyard | Necropolis | 1000 5 5 | Graveyard | Allow upgrading 2lvl units |
Tomb of Souls | Necropolis | 1500 5 5 | Cursed Temple | Produce 3lvl units 7/week |
Upgraded Tomb of Souls | Necropolis | 5 | Tomb of Souls | Allow upgrading 3lvl units |
Estate | Necropolis | 2000 5 5 | Graveyard | Produce 4lvl units 4/week |
Upgraded Estate | Necropolis | 2000 10 10 10 | Estate , Necromancy Amplifier | Allow upgrading 4lvl units |
Mausoleum | Necropolis | 2000 10 10 | Graveyard , Mage Guild 1lvl | Produce 5lvl units 3/week |
Upgraded Mausoleum | Necropolis | 2000 5 5 | Mausoleum | Allow upgrading 5lvl units |
Hall of Darkness | Necropolis | 6000 10 10 | Estate , Mausoleum | Produce 6lvl units 2/week |
Upgraded Hall of Darkness | Necropolis | 1500 5 5 2 2 2 2 | Hall of Darkness | Allow upgrading 6lvl units |
Dragon Vault | Necropolis | 10000 5 5 5 5 5 5 | Hall of Darkness | Produce 7lvl units 1/week |
Upgraded Dragon Vault | Necropolis | 15000 5 5 20 | Dragon Vault | Allow upgrading 7lvl units |
Necromancy Amplifier | Necropolis | 1000 | Mage Guild 1lvl | Increse necromacy power of all your heroes. |
Skeleton transformer | Necropolis | 1000 | Cursed Temple | Allow you to transfrom dragons in to bone dragons and any other living unit in to sceleton. |
Unearthed Graves | Necropolis | 1000 | Cursed Temple , Skeleton transformer | Produce 1lvl units 6/week |
Battle Scholar Academy | Dungeon | 1000 5 5 | Give 1000 exp for each visiting hero. | |
Warren | Dungeon | 400 10 | Fort | Produce 1lvl units 14/week |
Upgraded Warren | Dungeon | 1000 5 | Warren | Allow upgrading 1lvl units |
Harpy Loft | Dungeon | 1000 | Warren | Produce 2lvl units 8/week |
Upgraded Harpy Loft | Dungeon | 1000 2 2 | Harpy Loft | Allow upgrading 2lvl units |
Pillar of Eyes | Dungeon | 1000 1 1 1 1 1 1 | Warren | Produce 3lvl units 6/week |
Upgraded Pillar of Eyes | Dungeon | 1000 1 1 1 1 1 1 | Pillar of Eyes | Allow upgrading 3lvl units |
Chapel of Stilled Voices | Dungeon | 2000 5 10 | Harpy Loft , Pillar of Eyes | Produce 4lvl units 4/week |
Upgraded Chapel of Stilled Voices | Dungeon | 1500 5 | Chapel of Stilled Voices | Allow upgrading 4lvl units |
Labyrinth | Dungeon | 4000 10 10 | Chapel of Stilled Voices | Produce 5lvl units 3/week |
Upgraded Labyrinth | Dungeon | 3000 5 5 | Labyrinth | Allow upgrading 5lvl units |
Manticore Lair | Dungeon | 5000 5 5 5 5 | Chapel of Stilled Voices | Produce 6lvl units 2/week |
Upgraded Manticore Lair | Dungeon | 3000 5 5 5 5 | Manticore Lair | Allow upgrading 6lvl units |
Dragon Cave | Dungeon | 15000 15 15 20 | Labyrinth , Manticore Lair , Mage Guild 2lvl | Produce 7lvl units 1/week |
Upgraded Dragon Cave | Dungeon | 15000 15 15 20 | Dragon Cave | Allow upgrading 7lvl units |
Mushroom Rings | Dungeon | 1000 | Warren | Produce 1lvl units 7/week |
Mana Vortex | Dungeon | 1000 | Mage Guild 1lvl | |
Hall of Valhalla | Stronghold | 1000 | Giving +1 attack for each visiting hero. | |
Goblin Barracks | Stronghold | 200 5 5 | Fort | Produce 1lvl units 15/week |
Upgraded Goblin Barracks | Stronghold | 1000 5 5 | Goblin Barracks | Allow upgrading 1lvl units |
Wolf pen | Stronghold | 1000 10 5 | Goblin Barracks | Produce 2lvl units 9/week |
Upgraded Wolf pen | Stronghold | 1000 5 5 | Wolf pen , Upgraded Goblin Barracks | Allow upgrading 2lvl units |
Orc Tower | Stronghold | 1000 5 5 | Goblin Barracks | Produce 3lvl units 7/week |
Upgraded Orc Tower | Stronghold | 1000 2 2 | Orc Tower , Blacksmith | Allow upgrading 3lvl units |
Ogre Fort | Stronghold | 2000 20 | Orc Tower | Produce 4lvl units 4/week |
Upgraded Ogre Fort | Stronghold | 2000 5 5 | Ogre Fort , Mage Guild 1lvl | Allow upgrading 4lvl units |
Cliffnest | Stronghold | 2500 10 | Wolf pen | Produce 5lvl units 3/week |
Upgraded Cliffnest | Stronghold | 2000 5 5 | Cliffnest | Allow upgrading 5lvl units |
Cyclops Cave | Stronghold | 3500 20 20 | Ogre Fort | Produce 6lvl units 2/week |
Upgraded Cyclops Cave | Stronghold | 3000 5 5 | Cyclops Cave | Allow upgrading 6lvl units |
Behemoth Lair | Stronghold | 10000 10 10 10 | Cliffnest | Produce 7lvl units 1/week |
Upgraded Behemoth Lair | Stronghold | 15000 10 10 20 | Behemoth Lair | Allow upgrading 7lvl units |
Mess Hall | Stronghold | 1000 | Goblin Barracks | Produce 1lvl units 8/week |
Cage of Warlords | Fortress | 1000 | Town Hall , Glyphs of Fear | Giving +1 defense for each visiting hero. |
Gnoll Hut | Fortress | 1000 10 | Fort | Produce 1lvl units 14/week |
Upgraded Gnoll Hut | Fortress | 1000 | Gnoll Hut , Tavern | Allow upgrading 1lvl units |
Lizard Den | Fortress | 1000 5 | Gnoll Hut | Produce 2lvl units 9/week |
Upgraded Lizard Den | Fortress | 1000 5 | Lizard Den | Allow upgrading 2lvl units |
Serpent Fly Hive | Fortress | 1000 5 2 2 | Gnoll Hut | Produce 3lvl units 8/week |
Upgraded Serpent Fly Hive | Fortress | 1000 2 2 | Serpent Fly Hive | Allow upgrading 3lvl units |
Basilisk Pit | Fortress | 2000 5 10 | Serpent Fly Hive | Produce 4lvl units 4/week |
Upgraded Basilisk Pit | Fortress | 2000 5 | Basilisk Pit | Allow upgrading 4lvl units |
Gorgon Lair | Fortress | 2500 10 10 5 5 | Lizard Den , Serpent Fly Hive | Produce 5lvl units 3/week |
Upgraded Gorgon Lair | Fortress | 2000 5 | Gorgon Lair , Resource silo | Allow upgrading 5lvl units |
Wyvern Nest | Fortress | 3500 15 | Lizard Den | Produce 6lvl units 2/week |
Upgraded Wyvern Nest | Fortress | 3000 10 10 | Wyvern Nest | Allow upgrading 6lvl units |
Hydra Pond | Fortress | 10000 10 10 10 | Basilisk Pit , Wyvern Nest | Produce 7lvl units 1/week |
Upgraded Hydra Pond | Fortress | 15000 10 10 20 | Hydra Pond | Allow upgrading 7lvl units |
Blood Obelisk | Fortress | 1000 | Glyphs of Fear | +2 attack for hero defending castle. |
Glyphs of Fear | Fortress | 1000 | +2 defense for hero defending castle. | |
Captains Quarters | Fortress | 1000 | Gnoll Hut | Produce 1lvl units 6/week |