Help - Buildings
Name Race Cost Require Description
Fort Any 5000 sur0 20 sur1 20 sur2 Village Hall Add defence during protecting of town.
Citadel Any 2500 sur0 5 sur2 Fort Add defence during protecting of town.
Increse units dwelling by 50%
Castle Any 5000 sur0 10 sur1 10 sur2 Citadel Add defence during protecting of town.
Increse units dwelling by 50%
Blacksmith Any 1000 sur0 5 sur1 Allow visiting hero to buy war machine.
Resource silo Any 5000 sur0 5 sur2 Marketplace 1 or 2 resources / day
Village Hall Any 500 sur0 Give you 1000Gold
Town Hall Any 2500 sur0 Village Hall Give you 1000Gold
City Hall Any 5000 sur0 Town Hall , Marketplace , Mage Guild 1lvl , Blacksmith Give you 1000Gold
Capitol Hall Any 10000 sur0 City Hall Give you 1000Gold
Can build only 1 per player.
Tavern Any 500 sur0 Allow hiering heroes.
Marketplace Any 1000 sur0 5 sur1 Allow to exchange sur for other sur
or send it to other players.
Mage Guild 1lvl Any 2000 sur0 5 sur1 5 sur2 Allow visiting hero to learn spells.
Mage Guild 2lvl Any 1000 sur0 5 sur1 5 sur2 4 sur3 4 sur4 4 sur5 4 sur6 Mage Guild 1lvl Allow visiting hero to learn spells.
Mage Guild 3lvl Any 1000 sur0 5 sur1 5 sur2 6 sur3 6 sur4 6 sur5 6 sur6 Mage Guild 2lvl Allow visiting hero to learn spells.
Mage Guild 4lvl Castle , Rampart , Tower , Inferno , Necropolis , Dungeon 1000 sur0 5 sur1 5 sur2 8 sur3 8 sur4 8 sur5 8 sur6 Mage Guild 3lvl Allow visiting hero to learn spells.
Mage Guild 5lvl Rampart , Tower , Inferno , Necropolis , Dungeon 1000 sur0 5 sur1 5 sur2 10 sur3 10 sur4 10 sur5 10 sur6 Mage Guild 4lvl Allow visiting hero to learn spells.
Cursed Temple Necropolis 400 sur0 5 sur1 5 sur2 Fort Produce 1lvl units 12/week
Upgraded Cursed Temple Necropolis 1000 sur0 5 sur1 5 sur2 Cursed Temple Allow upgrading 1lvl units
Graveyard Necropolis 1000 sur0 5 sur2 Cursed Temple Produce 2lvl units 8/week
Upgraded Graveyard Necropolis 1000 sur0 5 sur1 5 sur2 Graveyard Allow upgrading 2lvl units
Tomb of Souls Necropolis 1500 sur0 5 sur1 5 sur2 Cursed Temple Produce 3lvl units 7/week
Upgraded Tomb of Souls Necropolis 5 sur6 Tomb of Souls Allow upgrading 3lvl units
Estate Necropolis 2000 sur0 5 sur1 5 sur2 Graveyard Produce 4lvl units 4/week
Upgraded Estate Necropolis 2000 sur0 10 sur1 10 sur3 10 sur5 Estate , Necromancy Amplifier Allow upgrading 4lvl units
Mausoleum Necropolis 2000 sur0 10 sur2 10 sur4 Graveyard , Mage Guild 1lvl Produce 5lvl units 3/week
Upgraded Mausoleum Necropolis 2000 sur0 5 sur2 5 sur4 Mausoleum Allow upgrading 5lvl units
Hall of Darkness Necropolis 6000 sur0 10 sur1 10 sur2 Estate , Mausoleum Produce 6lvl units 2/week
Upgraded Hall of Darkness Necropolis 1500 sur0 5 sur1 5 sur2 2 sur3 2 sur4 2 sur5 2 sur6 Hall of Darkness Allow upgrading 6lvl units
Dragon Vault Necropolis 10000 sur0 5 sur1 5 sur2 5 sur3 5 sur4 5 sur5 5 sur6 Hall of Darkness Produce 7lvl units 1/week
Upgraded Dragon Vault Necropolis 15000 sur0 5 sur1 5 sur2 20 sur6 Dragon Vault Allow upgrading 7lvl units
Necromancy Amplifier Necropolis 1000 sur0 Mage Guild 1lvl Increse necromacy power of all your heroes.
Skeleton transformer Necropolis 1000 sur0 Cursed Temple Allow you to transfrom dragons in to bone dragons and any other living unit in to sceleton.
Unearthed Graves Necropolis 1000 sur0 Cursed Temple , Skeleton transformer Produce 1lvl units 6/week