Help - Buildings
Name Race Cost Require Description
Fort Any 5000 sur0 20 sur1 20 sur2 Village Hall Add defence during protecting of town.
Citadel Any 2500 sur0 5 sur2 Fort Add defence during protecting of town.
Increse units dwelling by 50%
Castle Any 5000 sur0 10 sur1 10 sur2 Citadel Add defence during protecting of town.
Increse units dwelling by 50%
Blacksmith Any 1000 sur0 5 sur1 Allow visiting hero to buy war machine.
Resource silo Any 5000 sur0 5 sur2 Marketplace 1 or 2 resources / day
Village Hall Any 500 sur0 Give you 1000Gold
Town Hall Any 2500 sur0 Village Hall Give you 1000Gold
City Hall Any 5000 sur0 Town Hall , Marketplace , Mage Guild 1lvl , Blacksmith Give you 1000Gold
Capitol Hall Any 10000 sur0 City Hall Give you 1000Gold
Can build only 1 per player.
Tavern Any 500 sur0 Allow hiering heroes.
Cage of Warlords Fortress 1000 sur0 Town Hall , Glyphs of Fear Giving +1 defense for each visiting hero.
Marketplace Any 1000 sur0 5 sur1 Allow to exchange sur for other sur
or send it to other players.
Mage Guild 1lvl Any 2000 sur0 5 sur1 5 sur2 Allow visiting hero to learn spells.
Mage Guild 2lvl Any 1000 sur0 5 sur1 5 sur2 4 sur3 4 sur4 4 sur5 4 sur6 Mage Guild 1lvl Allow visiting hero to learn spells.
Mage Guild 3lvl Any 1000 sur0 5 sur1 5 sur2 6 sur3 6 sur4 6 sur5 6 sur6 Mage Guild 2lvl Allow visiting hero to learn spells.
Gnoll Hut Fortress 1000 sur0 10 sur1 Fort Produce 1lvl units 14/week
Upgraded Gnoll Hut Fortress 1000 sur0 Gnoll Hut , Tavern Allow upgrading 1lvl units
Lizard Den Fortress 1000 sur0 5 sur1 Gnoll Hut Produce 2lvl units 9/week
Upgraded Lizard Den Fortress 1000 sur0 5 sur1 Lizard Den Allow upgrading 2lvl units
Serpent Fly Hive Fortress 1000 sur0 5 sur1 2 sur4 2 sur6 Gnoll Hut Produce 3lvl units 8/week
Upgraded Serpent Fly Hive Fortress 1000 sur0 2 sur4 2 sur6 Serpent Fly Hive Allow upgrading 3lvl units
Basilisk Pit Fortress 2000 sur0 5 sur1 10 sur2 Serpent Fly Hive Produce 4lvl units 4/week
Upgraded Basilisk Pit Fortress 2000 sur0 5 sur2 Basilisk Pit Allow upgrading 4lvl units
Gorgon Lair Fortress 2500 sur0 10 sur1 10 sur2 5 sur4 5 sur6 Lizard Den , Serpent Fly Hive Produce 5lvl units 3/week
Upgraded Gorgon Lair Fortress 2000 sur0 5 sur1 Gorgon Lair , Resource silo Allow upgrading 5lvl units
Wyvern Nest Fortress 3500 sur0 15 sur1 Lizard Den Produce 6lvl units 2/week
Upgraded Wyvern Nest Fortress 3000 sur0 10 sur1 10 sur6 Wyvern Nest Allow upgrading 6lvl units
Hydra Pond Fortress 10000 sur0 10 sur1 10 sur2 10 sur4 Basilisk Pit , Wyvern Nest Produce 7lvl units 1/week
Upgraded Hydra Pond Fortress 15000 sur0 10 sur1 10 sur2 20 sur4 Hydra Pond Allow upgrading 7lvl units
Blood Obelisk Fortress 1000 sur0 Glyphs of Fear +2 attack for hero defending castle.
Glyphs of Fear Fortress 1000 sur0 +2 defense for hero defending castle.
Captains Quarters Fortress 1000 sur0 Gnoll Hut Produce 1lvl units 6/week